We offer high-quality Non-Destructive Testing services to the manufacturing industry. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing accurate and reliable testing solutions to ensure the safety and quality of your products.
Radiographic testing
Magnetic Particle Testing
Liquid Penetrant Testing
Ultrasonic Thickness Testing
Leak Testing (vacuum box, repad air test etc.)
Vessel and Equipment Pressure testing
ASME Authorized Inspection Services
API 653 Above Ground Inspections
API 510 Pressure Vessel Inspection
API 570 Pipe Inspection
Hardness Testing
Coating thickness testing
Light Intensity surveys
Our Services
Radiographic Testing (RT)
Radiographic Testing (RT) is a non-destructive testing (NDT) method which uses either x-rays or gamma rays to examine the internal structure of manufactured components identifying any flaws or defects.
Ultrasonic Thickness (UT)
Ultrasonic testing (UT) comprises a range of non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques that send ultrasonic waves through an object or material. These high frequency sound waves are transmitted into materials to characterise the material or for flaw detecting.
Liquid Penetrant Testing
Liquid penetrant exams check for material flaws open to the surface by flowing very thin liquid into the flaw and then drawing the liquid out with a chalk-like.
Magnetic Particle Testing
Magnetic particle inspection is an inspection method used to identify defects on the surface of ferromagnetic materials by running a magnetic current through it. It can also be used to detect defects just beneath the surface of materials. The types of defects it can detect include cracks, pores, cold lap, and the lack of sidewall fusion in welds.
Leak Testing is a form of nondestructive testing used in either pressurized or evacuated systems and components for detection and location of leaks in equipment of materials. A foreign substance, usually air or liquid is introduced and elevated to prescribed pressures. Means of indication and detection are then introduce to identify if there is any leak in the tested pressure boundary.